Ground products
We supply a premium range of ground and grass reinforcement meshes, mole net, frost protection and accessories.
Turf Reinforcement
Designed to offer a sustainable and robust reinforcement system for lawns and other grass areas.
Poultry Mesh
Offers protection against the destruction of grassed areas via soil erosion and root removal.
Grass Protection
Designed to protect and strengthen grassed areas, provides the perfect grass matting protection for walkways and other areas.
Frost Protection
Can be used to protect crops from frost, wind, hail, birds and insects. Diffuses strong sunlight, reduce transpiration.
Mole Net
Effectively protects your lawn from moles and small rodents which dig holes in the ground. This mesh is very light but also heavy-duty like a metal net.
Pegs and Pins
You can lay our protects yourself, using pins and pegspurchased from our website.
Other popular categories
Turf Reinforcement
Protect your turf from being damaged by vehicles, pathways and more.
Mole net
Stop moles from digging up your garden and making it resemble the moon.
Grass Protection
Protect your grass from being damaged by pedestrian activity and more.
Poultry Mesh
Stop moles from digging up your garden and making it resemble the moon.
Frost Protection
Protect your fences and boundaries from being damaged by high winds.
Pegs and Pins
Install meshes using pins and pegs designed for them from our site.